Social Media News | Weekly Round Up ✨| 28 May 2023

Social Media News | Weekly Round Up ✨| 28 May 2023

Becky Armstrong


NEW FEATURE ✨ With the rise of even LONGER video being available on Twitter (Via Twitter Blue), it’s no surprise that Twitter’s latest feature is picture-in-picture (PiP) playback across all platforms [1]. Meaning you can continue scrolling as you watch the video, hopefully increasing retention rates on longer video content.

NEW FEATURE ✨ Twitter is also experimenting with a possible native download option in app for video [1]. Allowing you to download the latest meme, news etc without a 3rd party app.

UPDATE 📝 Twitter is providing a new “pro” tweet API offering to allow developers access to a million tweets/month for $5k a month [2]. Whilst this is still significantly higher than the access users had for free at the start of the year, it does reach a gap in the market for developers who aren’t quite ready for an enterprise plan.


NEW FEATURE ✨ TikTok is looking to jump on the AI hype train by launching a new AI chatboth within the app [3]. “Tako” chatbot where available will appear in the right menu, where users can ask questions, and help find TikTok content that gives the right answers. However TikTok are taking a cautious roll-out after the problems with Snapchats “My AI”. Due to the potential harm of AI gone wrong, TikTok are showcasing warning screen about aI and are not allowing younger users access.

Source: Watchful AI


UPDATE 📝Twitch has hiked up the the price of a Turbo sub for users in the UK from £7.30 to £12 [4]. Turbo is what allows watchers to go ad-free on Twitch, and this change is also the start of regional prizing where you can also no longer sign up for the $ equivalent pricing.


UPDATE 📝 Youtube is set to remove their stories feature that was originally launched back in 2018 after the rise of Snapchat [5]. Despite the rise in popularity for this format across other platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Facebook – YouTube never saw a full launch of the product and is instead focusing on Shorts and Community.

PAID SOCIAL 💸 YouTube is capitalising on rising use of the app on home TVs and is expanding its 30-second non-skippable ads to Connected TV (CTV) campaigns via YouTube Select, its monetisable video library [6]. Viewers will be able to watch one 30-second ad, instead of the two 15-seconds consecutively.


NEW APP ALERT 🚨 New text-based meta app, codenamed P92, but tentatively titled “Barcelona” [7] is in development as a Twitter competitior and could launch as early as next month [8]. Meta has been briefing creators and high profile celebrities/sports stars about early access and features ahead of public release. What we know:

  • You’ll be able to sign in with Instagram log in, and syn your followers (and blue ticks!)
  • Text updates are capped at 500 characters, and you can add links, photos and videos of up to 5 minutes.
  • Similar to Twitter, you can repost and reply to people’s posts.
  • Being on decentralised network (Fediverse) allows users on similar apps like Mastodon to search and find your public profile easily.


SHOPPING ON SOCIAL 🛍️ Facebook’s latest update allows shoppers in the US, UK, Canada and India to find shopping promotions, and automatically get these applied at checkout [9]. These work for select sponsored content and advertising on the platform that the user has clicked on. This allows allows re-targeting by brands for any users who didn’t checkout, with reminders about deals expiring.


SHOPPING ON SOCIAL 🛍️ Instagram shop owners are now able to “add user-generated content” to their product listings [10]. Instagram will display posts the brands have been tagged in, and you can select these posts to appear alongside products in store once the user has agreed.

PAID SOCIAL 💸 Instagram has ALSO added a new ads placement within it’s Search Results which can now be placed through third-party management platforms [11]. Similar to Google, you can now appear against keywords in user’s search queries with your latest ad, as well as see the analytics and results.


UPDATE 📝 Pinterest has launched a new system to ensure improved representation within it’s discovery tools [12]. This is to maximise diversity and inclusion in app, and faciliate a better user experience for EVERYONE. It has been introduced into search queries in categories where people are often in the imagery like beauty, fashion and wedding.


NEW FEATURE ✨ Snapchat is launching a new & improved version of the AR try on lens, whilst partnering with OPI to do it [13]. With this lens you’ll be able to try out OPIs newest nail shades, with the most improved version of the process so far.


UPDATE 📝Twitch’s newest rival, Kick, is growing considerably in 2023, despite still being in beta [14]. With an almost 300% increase in viewership in three months, it’s definitely a platform to keep an eye on. Despite high numbers, Kick has also seen community backlash on features, usernames, security and more – and so seeing how the platforms fares out of beta will be interesting.

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